Module 8: Nonbinary People and Respecting Them

Access or Download: Module 8 Facilitator Guide

Download: Module 8 Transcript

Learn about the gender binary
Learn about nonbinary identity
Practice how to respect nonbinary people

Please take our SQUINCH survey after you use this module:


Before you play this video you can play Nonbinary Kahoot as a primer (option 1)! Here is the link for the Kahoot game:
Note: another option is to play the nonbinary Kahoot game *after* the video.


Play this video for your group. This video will discuss nonbinary people, including common misconceptions, definitions, and respect.


During the true and false section, pause after the question is answered and prompt your club to think about their answer—maybe ask for a show of hands, and then unpause the video to hear the answer. The answers will be explained in the video.

Review with Kahoot (option 2). If you didn’t preview with Kahoot, you can review with this version of the game:

When you’re done, each person can take our survey: If you take the survey, your club will be entered to win a prize! We plan to create more modules, so let us know what you want to learn about.


SQUINCH is a digital curriculum for GSA clubs (Gender and Sexuality Alliance/Gay Straight Alliance) to learn healthy relationship skills. Each module contains a video, facilitator’s guide and transcript. SQUINCH stands for Sharing Queer Understanding, Inclusion, Nonviolent Communication, and Health! SQUINCH is a project of the Health Equity Alliance for LGBTQ+ New Mexicans (HEAL Plus NM).



Each learning module can be a standalone discussion or activity for the club, and we encourage GSA student leaders to choose and lead the modules that most interest them.


GSA student leaders are encouraged to read the facilitator’s guide, play the video for the club, and host a discussion on each module. The facilitator’s guide has resources, additional discussion questions, and tips.


The video portion of the module includes information, activities, discussion prompts, and quizzes.  Modules can be accessed in any order and any amount.  We do encourage starting with Module 1: Welcome & Group Agreements.


Each video has high-quality closed captioning and transcripts.


Here is the SQUINCH playlist in order:

If you are looking for information about starting or supporting a GSA, contact New Mexico GSA Network.

We warmly appreciate the GSA youth advisors for providing feedback and direction for the development of this curriculum.


Special thanks to our collaborator, Stacy. You can find them at 


Tiktok: @behss

Twitter: @behsss